phisoft / fourseasonsangel-web
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Content Styling has been update Issue#25 #26

Closed ChrsHnsn closed 1 year ago

ChrsHnsn commented 1 year ago

Menu Title has change Menu title has change suit to the website and get started link to contact us section #25

Data mockup has been update The content data on mockup has been change #25

Content and image on mission, plan and vision has been update The content and image on mission, plan and vision has been change #25

The picture on angel therapy has been change Image on Angels Therapy has been change #25

The picture on orthodontic treatment has been change Image on orthodontic treatment has been change #25

The copyright name and the column size on footer has been change Copyright and the column size on the footer has been change #25

the header name and image background has been change Change Header and Image #25