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[20:13, 05/05/2023] Dr Sylvia Lim: 適當的咀嚼功能對成長中的兒童的重要性 作者:黃奇卿醫師

Proffit 和同事(2000)強調了適當的咀嚼功能對成長中的兒童的重要性,強調需要循序漸進地培養兒童正確的咀嚼習慣。他們指出,每天接觸超過四小時的牙齒可能會被擠壓,而每天接觸不超過八小時的牙齒可能會過度萌出。然而,這些值因人而異,每個人的咬合高度取決於咀嚼力和時間段的組合。養成正確的咀嚼習慣對兒童來說至關重要,這不僅是為了進食,也是為了防止蛀牙和保持良好的咀嚼系統。

適當的咀嚼功能的發展對於成長中的兒童的整體健康和福祉至關重要。隨著孩子的成長,他們的口腔結構會發生變化和適應,因此學習和保持正確的咀嚼習慣對他們來說至關重要。 Proffit 及其同事 (2000) 進行了一項研究,以更好地了解兒童牙齒接觸時間、咀嚼力和咬合高度之間的關係。




結論: 總之,Proffit 及其同事 (2000) 的研究結果強調了適當咀嚼功能對成長中兒童的重要性。為了防止孩子臉歪,牙齒排列不整齊,父母和看護者在教導孩子正確的咀嚼習慣方面起著至關重要的作用,這不僅有助於他們進食,還可以防止蛀牙並促進良好的咀嚼系統。通過關注這些領域,兒童將更有可能終生保持良好的口腔健康,臉部平衡的生長和健康的外表。

The importance of proper chewing function in growing children Author: Dr. Chi Ching Huang

Proffit and colleagues (2000) emphasized the importance of proper masticatory function in growing children, emphasizing the need for gradual development of correct chewing habits in children. They noted that teeth exposed to more than four hours per day were likely to become crushed, while those exposed to less than eight hours per day were likely to over-erupt. However, these values ​​vary from person to person, and each person's bite height depends on a combination of chewing force and time period. Developing correct chewing habits is crucial for children, not only for feeding, but also for preventing tooth decay and maintaining a good chewing system.

The development of proper chewing function is critical to the overall health and well-being of the growing child. As children grow, their mouth structure changes and adapts, so it is important for them to learn and maintain proper chewing habits. Proffit and colleagues (2000) conducted a study to better understand the relationship between tooth contact time, chewing force, and bite height in children.

Tooth contact time: Researchers have found that if teeth are in contact for more than four hours a day, they can become crushed, causing misalignment or bite problems. On the other hand, if the teeth are not touched for more than eight hours a day, they may over-erupt and also cause dental problems. It's important to note that these numbers vary from person to person, and each person's bite height depends on a combination of chewing force and timing.

The Importance of Chewing Training: To promote proper oral health and help bone and tooth growth, it is critical to gradually teach children the proper function of chewing. This process involves encouraging them to use the sides of their mouth when eating, chewing their food thoroughly, and maintaining proper oral hygiene. By developing these habits, children will be more likely to have a healthy mouth and a well-aligned chewing system throughout their lives.

Cavity Prevention: Another important aspect of proper chewing function is the prevention of tooth decay. The tooth surface of the teeth that are often chewed is not easy to have food residues, which can prevent tooth decay. Tooth decay can disrupt the chewing system and negatively affect a child's overall oral health and facial growth. Parents and caregivers should ensure that children follow proper oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups. This helps prevent tooth decay and supports a healthy chewing system.

Conclusions: In conclusion, the findings of Proffit and colleagues (2000) emphasize the importance of proper masticatory function in growing children. In order to prevent children from crooked faces and misaligned teeth, parents and caregivers play a vital role in teaching children correct chewing habits, which not only help them eat, but also prevent tooth decay and promote a good chewing system. By focusing on these areas, children will be more likely to maintain good oral health, balanced growth of the face and a healthy appearance throughout life. [20:13, 05/05/2023] Dr Sylvia Lim: 不正帶的口腔或是咀嚼習慣對矯正的影響 作者:黃奇卿醫師 當我們吃東西時,牙齒要𠄘受的咀嚼力量4.92 to 10.55 kg per square centimeter (kg/cm²),而矯正的力量是輕而持續,施與在每顆牙齒的力為 25 至 250 克。咀嚼力比矯正矯治器施加的力強得多。當一個人有異常的咀嚼習慣時,這些力量會破壞牙齒的預期移動,可能會抵消矯正治療並延長整體治療時間。

在矯正期間,解決任何異常的口腔習慣也很重要,例如吮吸拇指、吐舌頭(tongue thrust)或磨牙症(磨牙),偏側咀嚼。因為這些也會對矯正治療期間的牙齒移動和排列產生負面影響。




解決任何功能異常的習慣:在矯正治療期間,吸拇指、吐舌頭或磨牙症等習慣會阻礙牙齒移動和對齊。努力消除這些習慣可以提高治療效果。 通過遵循這些指南,您可以支持矯正治療過程並幫助更有效地實現所需的牙齒移動和排列。

Influence of incorrect oral or chewing habits on orthodontic Author: Dr. Chi Ching Huang

When we eat, the teeth have to bear a chewing force of 4.92 to 10.55 kg per square centimeter (kg/cm²), while the orthodontic force is light and continuous, and the force applied to each tooth is 25 to 250 grams. The forces of chewing are much stronger than those exerted by orthodontic appliances. When a person has abnormal chewing habits, these forces disrupt the intended movement of the teeth, potentially negating orthodontic treatment and prolonging overall treatment time.

During orthodontic treatment, it is also important to address any abnormal oral habits such as thumb-sucking, tongue thrust or bruxism (teeth grinding), chewing on one side. Because these can also negatively affect tooth movement and alignment during orthodontic treatment.

Good chewing and oral habits can really support the movement of teeth into their desired positions during orthodontic treatment. While the main force that causes teeth to move comes from orthodontic appliances, poor oral habits can interfere with the normal movement of teeth. So maintaining proper oral habits can help facilitate the healing process and potentially shorten treatment time.

Here are some good oral habits to follow during orthodontic treatment:

Chew evenly on both sides of your mouth: Distributing your chewing force evenly helps prevent excessive pressure on one side, which could disrupt intended tooth movement.

Address any dysfunctional habits: Habits such as thumb sucking, tongue sticking, or bruxism can hinder tooth movement and alignment during orthodontic treatment. Efforts to eliminate these habits can improve healing. By following these guidelines, you can support the orthodontic treatment process and help achieve desired tooth movement and alignment more effectively.