Closed dibleauzah closed 2 years ago
In order to add the necessary toolbar icons, add the following to the src/components/icons
folder (take a look at how other icons are implemented in this folder to learn how we can add them):
Resources Icon:
<svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M16 17C18.2091 17 20 15.2091 20 13C20 10.7909 18.2091 9 16 9C13.7909 9 12 10.7909 12 13C12 15.2091 13.7909 17 16 17Z" stroke="#2D3748" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
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PHLASK Water Icon:
<svg width="85" height="85" viewBox="0 0 85 85" fill="none" xmlns="">
<circle cx="42.5" cy="42.5" r="38.5" fill="#5286E9" stroke="#FAFAFA" stroke-width="8"/>
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PHLASK Food Icon:
<svg width="85" height="85" viewBox="0 0 85 85" fill="none" xmlns="">
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PHLASK Foraging Icon:
<svg width="85" height="85" viewBox="0 0 85 85" fill="none" xmlns="">
<circle cx="42.5" cy="42.5" r="38.5" fill="#5DA694" stroke="#FAFAFA" stroke-width="8"/>
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PHLASK Restroom Icon:
<svg width="85" height="85" viewBox="0 0 85 85" fill="none" xmlns="">
<circle cx="42.5" cy="42.5" r="38.5" fill="#9E9E9E" stroke="#FAFAFA" stroke-width="8"/>
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Contribute Icon:
<svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M16 28C22.6274 28 28 22.6274 28 16C28 9.37258 22.6274 4 16 4C9.37258 4 4 9.37258 4 16C4 22.6274 9.37258 28 16 28Z" stroke="#2D3748" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10"/>
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<path d="M16 11V21" stroke="#2D3748" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
Once these are added, we can add some logic to the toolbar to change the middle button's appearance based on the tap type selected in the Resources
button. For that, we can reuse the switchType
logic in the existing Toolbar:
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. As a PHLASK user, I need to be able to access the PHLASK "map tools."
Describe the solution you'd like
Describe alternatives you've considered This should be built using the Material-UI:
Additional context See "Home" on Figma