phlask / phlask-map

Code behind the Phlask Web Map
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MOBILE Resources button #401

Open freelyPheobe opened 1 month ago

freelyPheobe commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug When the resource button is clicked, it doesn't return anything.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ''
  2. Click on 'resource button on mobile'
  3. The image looks nothing like how it should.
  4. Compare the screenshots below of the current versus the expected.

Expected behavior image The Resource pages should mimic the above photos including the buttons. The below link is the figma file with the expected design. Screenshots

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context Please refer to Design Circle for clarity.

affabillyty commented 1 month ago

Hey @freelyPheobe , just a heads up here: the 'design' of the toolbar does align with the intended figma designs for PHLASK 2.0. You referenced the current live, which would be our live PHLASK 1.0.

That said, the issue referenced - the Resources Interface button does not currently work. There is no 'pop up' menu with the 4 Resource icon buttons.

This ticket could be amended to remove the 'old' PHLASK 1.0 screenshots from the live site and focus on the beta site instead.

tomporvaz commented 2 weeks ago

Found commit that broke the resources on mobile, and has fix to test.

tomporvaz commented 1 day ago

PR #421 is a hotfix and not intended to resolve this issue. This issue should remain open until refactoring of toolbar is complete to follow newer code implementation.