Summary of changes made. This can be a paragraph, list of bullet points, etc. Aim to be brief and concise.
Change Reason
Summary of why changes are being made. Link to other documents, Slack conversations, etc are good to post here for explaining the reason for particular changes.
Verification [Optional]
A .gif, video, or screenshots of the feature are extremely helpful in verifying that code changes are working correctly. Feel free to include them in the PR to help the reviewer.
We recommend using OBS to record videos, as it is open source, free, and available on all major operating systems.
Related Issue: #<Github Issue Number (if one exists)>
Pull Request
Change Summary
Summary of changes made. This can be a paragraph, list of bullet points, etc. Aim to be brief and concise.
Change Reason
Summary of why changes are being made. Link to other documents, Slack conversations, etc are good to post here for explaining the reason for particular changes.
Verification [Optional]
A .gif, video, or screenshots of the feature are extremely helpful in verifying that code changes are working correctly. Feel free to include them in the PR to help the reviewer.
We recommend using OBS to record videos, as it is open source, free, and available on all major operating systems.
Related Issue: #<Github Issue Number (if one exists)>