phlegx / redmine_gitlab_hook

This plugin allows you to update your local Git repositories in Redmine when changes have been pushed to GitLab.
MIT License
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TypeError (Project 'project_name' ('project_name') has no repository) #38

Closed Sergey1000 closed 6 years ago

Sergey1000 commented 6 years ago

Hello. I'm try to use your awesome plugin. But I got some problem during the configuring. Here is my situation:

1. Software version (the first one - in Redmine, the seconf - in Gitlab):

Redmine version: 3.4.3.stable Ruby version: 2.3.1-p112 (2016-04-26) [x86_64-linux-gnu] Rails version: 4.2.8 Git: 2.7.4 redmine_gitlab_hook: 0.2.0

GitLab: 10.4.4 Ruby: 2.3.6p384 Rails: 4.2.10 Git: 2.14.3

2. Preconfiguration for Redmine:

Enable REST web service - check Enable WS for repository management - check Repository management WS API key - FITBJ4rk5j7jIcPQWefx

3. Projects and repositories (the first one - in Redmine, the seconf - in Gitlab):

Project name: test_project Repository id (linked to the test_project): test_repo_mirror Repository in filesystem: /var/www/redmine/files/repos/mirror/test_repo_in_gitlab.git How does the repository was cloning to the filesystem: git clone --mirror git@gitlab.lan:Lastname/test_repo_in_gitlab.git

Gitlab project name: http://gitlab.lan/Lastname/test_project_in_gitlab Gitlab repository: git@gitlab.lan:Lastname/test_repo_in_gitlab.git Webhook (push events): http://redmine.lan/gitlab_hook?project_id=test_project&key=FITBJ4rk5j7jIcPQWefx

4. What have I done:

Started POST "/gitlab_hook?project_id=test_project&key=FITBJ4rk5j7jIcPQWefx" for at 2018-02-22 17:37:25 +0200
Processing by GitlabHookController#index as HTML
  Parameters: {"project_id"=>"test_project", "key"=>"FITBJ4rk5j7jIcPQWefx"}
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 1.7ms)

TypeError (Project 'test_project' ('test_project') has no repository):
  plugins/redmine_gitlab_hook/app/controllers/gitlab_hook_controller.rb:131:in `find_repository'
  plugins/redmine_gitlab_hook/app/controllers/gitlab_hook_controller.rb:11:in `index'

The same problem occured when I use ANY key too. Looks like it fails before the authorization;

But when I launch the next command, I can see, that repository is linked to the project: $ curl -v -u afb7a0addad5b0cf33449512a99879ff2cf40c9d:x "http://redmine.lan/sys/projects.xml?key=FITBJ4rk5j7jIcPQWefx" [{"id":2,"name":"test_project","is_public":true,"identifier":"test_project","status":1,"repository":{"id":11,"url":"/var/www/redmine/files/repos/mirror/test_repo_in_gitlab.git"}}]

I can't figure out, what's wrong in my situation. Could you, please, help with this? Thank you.

phlegx commented 6 years ago

You have no repository set up in the Redmine project. Please activate module "repository" on project settings and then config a repository under: http://redmine.lan/projects/test_project/settings/repositories.

Sergey1000 commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much for your extremely quick answer. As I understood, the repository was already setup in the Redmine project (regards to attached images). If I do "git fetch" in Redmine's mirror repo directory, I can see the changes, happened in Gitlab repo. Or I still do something wrong?

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phlegx commented 6 years ago

@Sergey1000 please try out latest master. I have commit a bugfix. If all works fine for you I release a new version.

Sergey1000 commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I've tried it. And got the extended message: TypeError (Project 'test_project' ('test_project') has no repository or repository not found with identifier 'lastname_test_repo_in_gitlab'):

Looks like I need to set the Redmine's repository id as "lastname_test_repo_in_gitlab"? Or something else?

Sergey1000 commented 6 years ago

Wow! Looks like my dreams comes true. I've changed the repository id to required and "Gotcha!" - "Hook executed successfully: HTTP 200".

phlegx commented 6 years ago

Thx, I will release version 0.2.1. Added description how to set right repository id in repository settings.