Check whether there are any log records about GitlabHookController in redmine log file or docker logs.
3. Check git ssh user public and private key in $HOME
If you install redmine via offical docker image , the running user of the redmine is "redmine",
If you install redmine via apt-get or yum ,and so on , the running user of the redmine will be "www-data".
You can find out the $HOME of this running user using "grep xxxx /etc/passwd"
When redmine_gitlab_hook update the gitlab repo , it will need the git ssh user public and private key.
1) So you have place the git ssh user public and private key in $HOME/.ssh (if not exsit ,you should create it ).
2) The name of the key file should be and id_rsa.
3) And make sure the permissions and owner are correct , i .e.
chmod 400 $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa*
chown -R xxxx $HOME/.ssh
1. Check redmine_gitlab_hook setting
In http://your_redmine/settings/plugin/redmine_gitlab_hook, make sure
All branches
andFetch updates from repository
are checked2. Check redmine log
Check whether there are any log records about
in redmine log file ordocker logs
.3. Check git ssh user public and private key in $HOME
If you install redmine via offical docker image , the running user of the redmine is "redmine", If you install redmine via apt-get or yum ,and so on , the running user of the redmine will be "www-data". You can find out the $HOME of this running user using "grep xxxx /etc/passwd"
When redmine_gitlab_hook update the gitlab repo , it will need the git ssh user public and private key.
1) So you have place the git ssh user public and private key in $HOME/.ssh (if not exsit ,you should create it ). 2) The name of the key file should be and id_rsa. 3) And make sure the permissions and owner are correct , i .e. chmod 400 $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa* chown -R xxxx $HOME/.ssh