phlinhng / v2ray-tcp-tls-web

VLESS / Trojan-Go / Shadowsocks 脚本 支持纯 IPv6
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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证书申请失败,修复失败。 #79

Open zyaowei opened 3 years ago

zyaowei commented 3 years ago

您好。 我的ipv6的vps,安装后证书申请失败,用另外的二级域名进行修复,还是失败。 卸载重装也不行。多次尝试一直不成功。 信息如下,请给与建议。 debian10-ipv6(无ipv4地址)

选择操作 [输入任意值退出]: 2 解析到本 VPS 的域名:
域名 解析正确, 即将开始修复证书 [Wed Dec 23 22:34:07 CST 2020] is removed, the key and cert files are in /root/ [Wed Dec 23 22:34:07 CST 2020] You can remove them by yourself. Re-setting v2ray Re-setting caddy Re-setting trojan-go Re-issuing certificates for Issuing certificate [Wed Dec 23 22:34:21 CST 2020] Using CA: [Wed Dec 23 22:34:21 CST 2020] Standalone mode. [Wed Dec 23 22:34:22 CST 2020] Creating domain key [Wed Dec 23 22:34:22 CST 2020] The domain key is here: /root/ [Wed Dec 23 22:34:22 CST 2020] Single domain='' [Wed Dec 23 22:34:23 CST 2020] Getting domain auth token for each domain [Wed Dec 23 22:34:34 CST 2020] Getting webroot for domain='' [Wed Dec 23 22:34:35 CST 2020] Verifying: [Wed Dec 23 22:34:35 CST 2020] Standalone mode server [Wed Dec 23 22:34:42 CST 2020] error:Fetching Connection refused_ [Wed Dec 23 22:34:42 CST 2020] Please add '--debug' or '--log' to check more details. [Wed Dec 23 22:34:43 CST 2020] See: Issuing certificate [Wed Dec 23 22:34:50 CST 2020] Using CA: [Wed Dec 23 22:34:51 CST 2020] Single domain='' [Wed Dec 23 22:34:51 CST 2020] Getting domain auth token for each domain [Wed Dec 23 22:34:58 CST 2020] Getting webroot for domain='' [Wed Dec 23 22:34:59 CST 2020] Verifying: [Wed Dec 23 22:35:05 CST 2020] error:Fetching Connection refused [Wed Dec 23 22:35:05 CST 2020] Please add '--debug' or '--log' to check more details. [Wed Dec 23 22:35:05 CST 2020] See: Installing certificate [Wed Dec 23 22:35:08 CST 2020] Installing key to:/etc/ssl/v2ray/key.pem [Wed Dec 23 22:35:09 CST 2020] Installing full chain to:/etc/ssl/v2ray/fullchain.pem cat: /root/ No such file or directory 证书修复完成