phlipper / chef-monit

Chef cookbook for monit package
MIT License
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kitchen converge throws yum error #91

Open deppfx opened 6 years ago

deppfx commented 6 years ago

I am trying the cookbook using kitchen & am stuck at the issue below:

   Recipe Compile Error in /tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/yum/resources/globalconfig.rb

   Cannot specify both default and name_property/name_attribute together on property path of resource yum_globalconfig

   Cookbook Trace:
     /tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/yum/resources/globalconfig.rb:76:in `class_from_file'

   Relevant File Content:

    69:  attribute :mdpolicy, :kind_of => String, :equal_to => %w(instant group:primary group:small group:main group:all), :default => nil
    70:  attribute :metadata_expire, :kind_of => String, :regex => [/^\d+$/, /^\d+[mhd]$/, /never/], :default => nil
    71:  attribute :mirrorlist_expire, :kind_of => String, :regex => /^\d+$/, :default => nil
    72:  attribute :multilib_policy, :kind_of => String, :equal_to => %w(all best), :default => nil
    73:  attribute :obsoletes, :kind_of => [TrueClass, FalseClass], :default => true
    74:  attribute :overwrite_groups, :kind_of => [TrueClass, FalseClass], :default => nil
    75:  attribute :password, :kind_of => String, :regex => /.*/, :default => nil
    76>> attribute :path, :kind_of => String, :regex => /.*/, :default => nil, :name_attribute => true
    77:  attribute :persistdir, :kind_of => String, :regex => /.*/, :default => nil
    78:  attribute :pluginconfpath, :kind_of => String, :regex => /.*/, :default => nil
    79:  attribute :pluginpath, :kind_of => String, :regex => /.*/, :default => nil
    80:  attribute :plugins, :kind_of => [TrueClass, FalseClass], :default => true
    81:  attribute :protected_multilib, :kind_of => [TrueClass, FalseClass], :default => nil
    82:  attribute :protected_packages, :kind_of => String, :regex => /.*/, :default => nil
    83:  attribute :proxy, :kind_of => String, :regex => /.*/, :default => nil
    84:  attribute :proxy_password, :kind_of => String, :regex => /.*/, :default => nil
    85:  attribute :proxy_username, :kind_of => String, :regex => /.*/, :default => nil

   System Info:
   ruby=ruby 2.4.2p198 (2017-09-14 revision 59899) [x86_64-linux]
   program_name=chef-solo worker: ppid=3023;start=23:26:53;

Can you let me know what am I doing wrong.