phmarek / fsvs

Full System Versioning System
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Updating the used Doxyfiles to version 1.9.5 #8

Closed albert-github closed 1 year ago

albert-github commented 1 year ago

Updating the used Doxyfiles to version 1.9.5

The following warnings are shown with Doxyfile-man:

.../waa.h:281: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'waa__find_common_base' for \ref command
.../waa.h:371: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'waa__find_common_base()' for \ref command
.../warnings.h:113: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'wa___warn_options' for \ref command

.../cache.h:50: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'cch__new_cache()' for \ref command

These are shown due to the fact that here, contrary to Doxyfile the setting of EXTRACT_STATIC is set to NO and thus the functions are not available.

.../cache.h:48: warning: unable to resolve reference to 'CACHE_DEFAULT' for \ref command

due to the fact that EXTRACT_ALL is set to NO and CACHE_DEFAULT is not documented, so no link possible.