phmonte / Buildalyzer

A utility to perform design-time builds of .NET projects without having to think too hard about it.
MIT License
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Question/Feature request: Cancelling build #153

Open prochnowc opened 3 years ago

prochnowc commented 3 years ago

First of all, thanks for the nice library.

I have a small toy project where I am building several projects in parallel. If the first build fails I want to cancel all other pending builds - is there a possibility to cancel a build?


daveaglick commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately there isn't a great way to do this right now (at least not that I can think of - happy for suggestions here!). Because Buildalyzer "shells out" to MSBuild we've got very limited control over the forked process. We could always try to kill it, but that's really ungraceful (though maybe that's actually what we need to do). There's also a chance that sending something like a Ctrl+C combination over standard input could do the trick.

I can give this a little thought, but may not get around to an implementation for a while.