phmonte / Buildalyzer

A utility to perform design-time builds of .NET projects without having to think too hard about it.
MIT License
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Process vbc command to analyze visual basic projects #207

Closed cslong closed 2 years ago

daveaglick commented 2 years ago

Cool! This hasn't gone unnoticed, just been very crunched for time lately. Hopefully I can take a closer look very soon and get this merged.

daveaglick commented 2 years ago

Any chance you could add a test project like the one we have for F# in /tests/projects/FSharpProject? With some associated analyzer tests that analyze that project it would give confidence the VB support is continuing to work and doesn't regress in the future.

daveaglick commented 2 years ago

Thanks for adding a project test. Everything looks good code-wise and all tests succeeded locally. Assuming the CI build passes, we're good to go. Thanks! This was a very welcome update.