phobos2077 / fo2_ecco

Gameplay overhaul mod for Fallout 2 Restoration Project
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Idea Awareness lets me see what armor protection they have #20

Open apollodeathstar opened 2 weeks ago

apollodeathstar commented 2 weeks ago

I really seem to be struggling in the new mod to tell what armor they are using and when I should be using AP ammo. Is there a way to add that to awareness perk or display when I shoot them how much damage their armor absorbed by using JHP ammo?

For adding it to the awareness it would just show their DR or what armor they are wearing.

phobos2077 commented 2 weeks ago

Good suggestion. I need to research how it can be done.

Normally you can tell by the visible sprite if enemy is in leather or metal armor, etc. But there are exceptions to this, where it's hard to tell. And no way to guess protection of monsters unless you've played the game a lot.

phobos2077 commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, it is possible:


Complete version: image

phobos2077 commented 2 weeks ago

After testing for a while it does seem a bit cluttered to have all damage types like that. I have to focus more to find which number is HP and which is DR. Maybe I should only restrict to damage type of current weapon, but then you might miss on some valuable info (like considering to switch to fire weapon while having normal one in hand, it won't show fire damage resistance).

Also maybe damage threshold could be removed. Often than not it just follows DR value and since ammo has "DR mod" it makes sense (despite DR also affecting DT in EcCo).

Another approach is to show expected min-max damage against given target with currently loaded ammo...

apollodeathstar commented 2 weeks ago

This is great! I cant say what the best implementation would be at this time having not tried it but this would help a lot when it comes to the player understanding the damage. Even a system that after you shoot attack and it tells the player like the round "did not do as much damage as it should have" or "the laser seems to mostly be deflected" would help allot for the player knowing what is happening to the rounds they are firing.

apollodeathstar commented 2 weeks ago

I think you can remove AC from the list, I dont really see how its relevant when the % chance to hit is all that matters for that and you get that from the crosshair.

Maybe you could have it display with the crosshair chance to hit? or above the player or enemy as a speech bubble above their heads when you are in combat and put the crosshair on them? you can probably shorten the 5/40% Norm to 5/40%N etc. Even you could probably go simple and just have it display in the crossair how much the current round/weapon will be nerfed by.

Also I dont know if you have it set in that so it only displays during combat? but that might be a better way to do it so its not cluttering up the reg gameplay. could probably even put it on a toggle or keystroke or something.

phobos2077 commented 2 weeks ago

So many great suggestion. My current implementation definitely sucks as it clutters the message window too much even in my short tests. I will use your ideas and think of something later.

Even a system that after you shoot attack and it tells the player like the round "did not do as much damage as it should have" or "the laser seems to mostly be deflected" would help allot for the player knowing what is happening to the rounds they are firing.

I think this is useless because you already know that the attack wasn't effective by comparing actual and expected damage.

Even you could probably go simple and just have it display in the crossair how much the current round/weapon will be nerfed by.

Not sure about only considering the current PC weapon. I would want to know resistance against all damage types if my party has NPCs with weapons of different damage types. Or I might have a Molotov ready etc.

Maybe you could have it display with the crosshair chance to hit?

I remembered that it's now possible to create floating windows anywhere on the screen with sfall. And draw text on it...

apollodeathstar commented 2 weeks ago

I remembered that it's now possible to create floating windows anywhere on the screen with sfall. And draw text on it...

That is probably the best way to do it then. when you open combat and aim with the crossair it can show the resistances in a floating window/text. or you can like it to a Sfall keystroke much like the V shows team hitpoints.

phobos2077 commented 2 weeks ago

much like the V shows team hitpoints.

Huh? What mod does this? Never seen that.

apollodeathstar commented 2 weeks ago

much like the V shows team hitpoints.

Huh? What mod does this? Never seen that.

Oh sorry thats in the FO2 Tweaks, thought that was in your key commands.

;Display current HP over head for dude, party and nearby enemies combat. This is not ideal, has some delay.
; Default key is V, change or disable in the corresponding section below.

It would be nice if it displayed like eg 80/120 HP right now the FO2 Tweaks just displays the current HP, not how much they have out of their total.

phobos2077 commented 5 days ago

I decided I'm too lazy to add new popup windows so instead I've just added a hotkey that you need to hold to see the extra info (Left Ctrl by default). I also added extra description to weapons (doesn't require awareness, yet) to better understand pros and cons of different guns.