phoboslab / qoi

The “Quite OK Image Format” for fast, lossless image compression
MIT License
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Tables #216

Closed tomveich closed 1 year ago

tomveich commented 2 years ago

Hello, this is not really an issue, I just wanted to ask how were the tables in the official specification generated.

Thank you


shuckster commented 2 years ago

It's build using characters from the Extended ASCII set.

In the Olden Days it's how we build text-mode UI. Any dinosaurs here remember TheDRAW?

Today we can use tools like ASCIIFlow to spice up our README, PDF or such.

tomveich commented 2 years ago


Brian151 commented 2 years ago

i've had this notification sitting in my email for over a month now and wonder what in the blazes it could be about. just now reading/clearing stuff... XD for the brief time i was playing with batch files, i learned about these extended ascii chars, myself. thought that was pretty neat!

also, might have to check that site out, myself!