phoboslab / wipeout-rewrite

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make broken on MacOS #81

Closed johnflan closed 9 months ago

johnflan commented 9 months ago

-UNAME_O := $(shell uname -o)

the -o parameter is not supported by the MacOS version of uname

dseddah commented 6 months ago

man uname gives (...) -o This is a synonym for the -s option, for compatibility with other systems.

 -p      Write the type of the machine processor architecture to standard output.  (make(1) uses it to set the MACHINE_ARCH variable.)

 -r      Write the current release level of the operating system to standard output.

 -s      Write the name of the operating system implementation to standard output.

uname -v Darwin Kernel Version 22.5.0: Thu Jun 8 22:22:20 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.121.3~7/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000

located on /usr/bin

are you sure you're not using a version installed by brew, fink or darwin ports for some reasons ?