phocean / TopIcons-plus

An gnome-shell extension to put the icons back to the tray.
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Some icons are not correctly vertically aligned until a shell restart #59

Closed luisfpg closed 4 years ago

luisfpg commented 7 years ago

For example, happens with the icon for Google Hangouts (chrome extension). See the attached screenshot. It is duplicated because I have 2 Google profiles. In the screenshot: one of the icons is all the way to the top. The other one is aligned ok. If I restart the shell, or change some TopIcons Plus setting (such as spacing) they are aligned correctly.


luisfpg commented 7 years ago

Ah, and sometimes the icon is cropped as well, such as in this screenshot (which happened a few minutes after the first one): image

phocean commented 7 years ago

I see only the second Hangouts is wrong, is that always like this ? Do other icons/app get wrong ? From where did you install topicons ? Please make sure there is no occurence of topicons in /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions and ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions. Then, install the version from github.

luisfpg commented 7 years ago

Yes, the hangouts icon is the only one I see misaligned. Maybe icons for some other Chrome extensions would also be misaligned, but I don't have any. It was installed from the extensions website. Now I've totally wiped out, cloned the github repo and it is exactly the same. Here's a screenshot with the latest git version: image

phocean commented 7 years ago

Thank you, I will install chrome and this extension and try to figure out.

daaelar commented 7 years ago

I see the same issue with Pidgin's tray icon. A reload only fixes it temporarily, as it reverts at the first status change (received message, disconnected, etc) misaligned-topicons-plus

phocean commented 7 years ago

@daaelar I am not sure it is the same issue and pidgin tray icon is known to be buggy. See #6.

phocean commented 7 years ago

@luisfpg I cannot reproduce the issue. What are:

Can you also take a screenshot of the topicons settings?


luisfpg commented 7 years ago

I'm using Arc Dark GTK / shell theme. For icons, I'm using Paper. However, the Hangouts icon is not influenced by the system icon theme. Here's a screenshot of the settings: image

glaubersm commented 7 years ago

I can confirm pamac package manager sometimes has cropped icon under Gnome Wayland session. My topicons plus extension was installed via gnome shell extensons website.

glaubersm commented 7 years ago

My screenshot shows cropped pamac icon


nxadm commented 6 years ago

Because issue #57 is closed, I add the info here. In my case, the same regular time of crashes happen (mostly after boot) when using dropbox. Dropbox is the only "iconized" application that is automatically started by my session.

Feel free to ping me if more info (logs, etc) or tests are needed.

phocean commented 6 years ago

@nxadm Why? This issue is unrelated. You can comment and reopen #57.

nxadm commented 6 years ago

Ok, my excuses.

anupam207 commented 6 years ago

I'm having the same issue

Before restarting shell

before (l-to-r: GNOME Encfs Manager, uGet, Thunderbird via Firetray, alarm-clock-applet)

After restarting shell


Extension config: topicons-plus

Shell & GTK theme: Arc, Icon theme: Papirus Distro: Ubuntu GNOME 17.04, shell version 3.24.2

phocean commented 4 years ago

I think this issue has been fixed with recent merge requests.

Closing it, feel free to re-open if necessary.