phockett / Quantum-Metrology-with-Photoelectrons-Vol3

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Global build env and configuration #1

Open phockett opened 2 years ago

phockett commented 2 years ago

To do, probably first.

General setup & config notes:

phockett commented 1 year ago

Global substitutions?

In testing Nov. 2022 this is working nicely, EXCEPT NEED TO USE "string" for subs in _config.yml in general, otherwise sometimes get syntax issues.

phockett commented 1 year ago

Added general notebook setup script, 6bc38bb715feab2d93bfe6b246b607d2ad8b0bec

phockett commented 1 year ago

For more on build chain methods and customisations (currently can't pass env vars directly):

Currently just thinking about a method to pass ENV vars through build chain for HTML vs. PDF figure config (, but other issues might crop up later. Have done this type of thing in the past for ePSdata work with nbconvert & Sphinx native build chain.

TODO: test some methods, check ePSdata methods.

phockett commented 1 year ago

UPDATE: actually passing env vars to build chain is OK,


export BUILDENV=pdf
jupyter-book build --builder pdflatex

Works as expected, and buildEnv = os.getenv('BUILDENV') works in notebook or scripts. Now using this to fix Plotly figure glue() issues, see