phockett / Quantum-Metrology-with-Photoelectrons-Vol3

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Maths rendering #4

Open phockett opened 1 year ago

phockett commented 1 year ago

Some inconsistencies in default builds...

For forcing version in, see

TODO: clean test page, currently testing in main Theory notebook, might be other issues...?

UPDATE: may actually be issue with source and/or Pandoc conversion, currently failing to case with $\boldsymbol{\mathbf{E}}$, but $\mathbf{E}$ or $\bm{E}$ may be equivalent...?

UPDATE2: things seem OK in maths test page for \boldsymbol (even nested), but not for \bm. May have issue related to with Plotly? (See also Maybe also issue with extensions or macros,

Ignore for now and use standard methods - but should fix!

UPDATE3 21/11/22:

phockett commented 1 year ago

See also adding tex macros to Sphinx build at

phockett commented 1 year ago

For notes on \label support:

phockett commented 1 year ago

Some specific issues (see QM3/doc-source/tests/formatting_syntax_tests_081122.ipynb for more details):

phockett commented 1 year ago

\boldsymbol rendering broken in current builds for Photoionization Theory page (Firefox), possibly since adding computational example with symmetry?

Rendering OK in Ice Dragon however. Sigh.

jangenoe commented 1 year ago

I noticed the Maths rendering issue in the TOC, which also occurs in my text-books [currently not yet released]. I used your public example to report this rendering bug

phockett commented 10 months ago

I (eventually) managed to fix the TOC bug, since I realised it only affected pages which had no maths on - in this case it seems like the Mathjax script wasn't automatically injected. (This was for builds from the .md files, I didn't test builds from .ipynb source.)

There's likely an elegant way to force this via Sphinx config, but my quick and dirty fix was just to add a cell directly to my Markdown documents duplicating the script tags in the working HTML pages - my patch is in (and my in my main build script I just run cat mathjax_patch.txt >> for each page I need to add the script to).

Hope your book is going well @jangenoe :)

jangenoe commented 10 months ago

I will also use your patch... Thanks