phockett / epsman

Management tools for ePolyScat job generation & execution.
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Running and managing ePS remotely #17

Open phockett opened 3 years ago

phockett commented 3 years ago

Current implementation (tries) to run shell script via Fabric, but this has issues with detached/background processes sometimes (see, e.g., start a background process with nohup using fabric and ssh TTY behaviour notes.


Also/to debug:

phockett commented 3 years ago

c7e91e4265619151c5f68f53eb966dadb7c54ec4 fixes ePS runner scripts and .runJobs() class method.

This implements runner as:

cmd = f" {self.hostDefn[]['genFile'].as_posix()} &> /dev/null &"
result =[]['scpdir'], '').as_posix() + cmd, 
                     warn = True, timeout = 10, pty=False)

For testing, set self.hostDefn[]['genFile'] = Path(em.__path__[0]).parent/'notes'/'job-test.conf'.


To do:

UPDATE March 2022: see 5bdeecc25fff6b42dc1f5a56db848994ac58eb5a

phockett commented 1 year ago

Testing manual Docker runs on Fock cluster via Slurm.

e.g. srun -w fock-25 -l docker run -d --rm -v /software/docker/ePS_dockerBuildTests_2022:/data --env NCPUS=20 --name eps25-080523 fock:5000/eps:v040523 /data/ /data/tests-Fock-25-Slurm_test_080523