phoddie / node-red-mcu

Node-RED for microcontrollers
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Organisation for multiple projects? #92

Closed colinl closed 1 year ago

colinl commented 1 year ago

If I want to have more than one node-red-mcu project in development at the same time is there a recommended way of organising things? Ideally I would like the project folder separated from the node-red-mcu folder if possible. At the moment it appears the node-red-mcu folders must be a child of the project folder, unless I am missing something.

Sineos commented 1 year ago

When playing with this, I use the NR command line arguments to start with different flow files, e.g.: node-red --settings settings_1.js flows_1.json

This way you can even have different

process.env.MODDABLE = "C:/Users/souls/Projects/moddable"
process.env.IDF_PATH = "C:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v4.4.3"

if needed

colinl commented 1 year ago

I have been doing exactly that, but how do I then build the one I want to build without copying it across to Projects?

phoddie commented 1 year ago

@colinl – I don't have a clear enough picture of how the pieces fit together to offer a suggestion yet. In fact, I've always found switching "projects" in Node-RED itself to be awkward (either export / delete / import in the editor, or stop Node-RED/move flows file/restart). Maybe you can share how you are managing that? And from there, I might understand the file organization well enough to offer some suggestion.

Sineos commented 1 year ago

The documentation says you can also pass a project name instead of the flow file ( Never tried. My workflow is simple: Have one default installation and simply start a new flows.json when I want to do something new with the MCU

colinl commented 1 year ago

I don't use node-red projects, I was using the word generically. In fact I use a different .node-red folder for each 'project' and each one has its own git repository for source control. So for my wemos D1 Mini devices I might have ~/.node-red_we01, .node-red_we02, etc. I then want to build the flow file there using node-red-mcu. Perhaps the best thing is to install node-red-mcu as a git subproject under each node-red folder so I have control over which version of that is used. On second thoughts that doesn't quite work as the flows file needs to be inside the node-red-mcu folder.

phoddie commented 1 year ago

@colinl, thanks for the details.

that doesn't quite work as the flows file needs to be inside the node-red-mcu folder

The Moddable SDK manifest gives quite a bit of flexibility here. One option is to put a copy of the manifest.json in your project directory (~/.node-red_we01/manifest.json). You will need to update the paths to manifest_host.json and main.js to point to your Node-RED MCU git repository. Then you can just cd ~/.node-red_we01/manifest.json & mcconfig... to build.

colinl commented 1 year ago

That could work. Thanks. I will give it a go.

colinl commented 1 year ago

OK, this is working well for me:

  1. The .node-red folder is under git control (or whichever folder contains the node-red flows file)
  2. Add node-red-mcu as a git submodule under .node-red
  3. Copy node-red-mcu/manifest.json into .node-red and git add it
  4. Edit manifest.json to allow building from the .node-red folder. For example
    "include": [
    "modules": {
        "*": [
                "source": "./flows",
                "transform": "nodered2mcu"
    "preload": [
  5. If you have any additional installed nodes then create a folder contrib-nodes and put the manifest files for those in that folder. For example, I use node-red-contrib-pid and node-red-contrib-timeprop so I create files manifest-node-red-contrib-pid.manifest and similar for timeprop. In the pid manifest is this, which includes the contrib node source from the node_modules folder
    "modules": {
        "*": "../node_modules/node-red-contrib-pid/pid"
    "preload": "pid"
  6. Git add those manifest files
  7. Add them into the include section of the main manifest file, so mine now reads
    "include": [

    Now everything is controlled by git, and the project can be built from the .node-red folder using something like mcconfig -d -m -p esp/nodemcu

phoddie commented 1 year ago

Glad that works. What you describe all makes good sense. Thanks for sharing the details. That will be helpful for others.