phoebe-project / phoebe2

PHOEBE - Eclipsing Binary Star Modeling Software
GNU General Public License v3.0
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animation fails to plot current point when x axis is set to phase instead of time #747

Open MichaelAbdul-Masih opened 1 year ago

MichaelAbdul-Masih commented 1 year ago

When attempting to create an animation with the x column set to 'phase' for both LC and RV datasets, the point showing the current position within the curve fails to plot properly for many phase steps. A minimum working example can be found below:

b = phoebe.default_binary()
b.add_dataset('lc', compute_times=phoebe.linspace(0,1,51), dataset='lc01')
b.add_dataset('rv', compute_times=phoebe.linspace(0,1,21), dataset='rv01')
afig, mplanim = b.plot(dataset='rv01', animate=True, times=phoebe.linspace(0,1,21),
                       # save_kwargs={'writer': 'imagemagick'}

Setting t0='t0_perpass' within the call makes the problem even worse and even fewer points are plotted.