phoebe-project / phoebe2

PHOEBE - Eclipsing Binary Star Modeling Software
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cryptic error messages for atm out-of-bounds #843

Closed Raindogjones closed 2 months ago

Raindogjones commented 2 months ago

As part of the passbands/ndpolator rewrite, the error messages have become more cryptic and less useful. For example, import phoebe b=phoebe.default_binary() b['teff@primary']=50000 b.add_dataset('lc',time=0) b.run_compute() results in ValueError: irradiation resulted in nans for teffs rather than raising an out-of-bounds error for the primary atmosphere.

Turning off irradiation with b.run_compute(irrad_method='none') changes the error message but still not in a useful way. Either raising no error and populating the light curve with NaNs or throwing ValueError: array must not contain infs or NaNs if pblum_mode is, e.g., dataset-scaled