phoehnel / REST-light

Simple Microservice to control 433Mhz wireless sockets over HTTP, e.g. on a RaspberryPi
MIT License
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Missing parameters for codesend #4

Closed Yordan1976 closed 1 year ago

Yordan1976 commented 1 year ago

Hello Pascal,

codesend from 433Utils uses some optional paramters which can't be passed with REST-light:

    unsigned long code = strtoul(argv[1], &eptr, 10);
    if (argc >= 3) protocol = atoi(argv[2]);
    if (argc >= 4) pulseLength = atoi(argv[3]);
    if (argc >= 5) bitLength = atoi(argv[4]);

In my case a pulseLength of 150 is needed to get things working. Can you please add the optional parameters?

phoehnel commented 1 year ago

Hi @Yordan1976,

thanks for raising the issue. I've integrated the 3 missing parameters into the newest Dev-Version in #5

Altough the Code works, i have no possibility to test it in a real world scenario. Could you verify that the image version uupascal/rest-light:DEV-2023.01.06 on docker hub works as desired, before i push to master?

Cheers, Pascal

Yordan1976 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick response and the update!

I tested it without the third parameter, which I don't need and it works like expected. Should do so with all three paramters.

If you want to add an example for a codesend rule, you can use this for the "then part" (which is the only one which is part of the user-defined script in Openhab3). The ZAP-Plugs use two different codes for on and off:

    logInfo("REST_light", "Member " + + " to " + receivedCommand)

    try {
      // receive decimal codes from item name, e.g. zap_1234567_2345678_key1
      var decimal_code = ""
      if(receivedCommand == ON) {
        decimal_code ="_").get(1)
      } if(receivedCommand == OFF) {
        decimal_code ="_").get(2)

      var protocol = "1"
      var pulselength = "150"

      var String jsonstring = ('{"api_key" : "<INSERT KEY HERE>", "decimalcode" : "' + decimal_code + '", "protocol" : "' + protocol + '", "pulselength" : "' + pulselength + '"}')

      sendHttpPostRequest("http://<INSERT IP HERE>:4242/codesend", "application/json", jsonstring.toString, 5000)
      logInfo("REST_light", jsonstring.toString)
      logInfo("REST_light", "Finished command!")

    } catch(Throwable t) {
      logInfo("REST_light", "Caught exception during attempt to contact REST_light API!")

Danke nochmal :)

Yordan1976 commented 1 year ago

Oh, and I didn't test the whole image, but updated the in my container.

phoehnel commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the example, i've included it in the README 👍🏻 I've tested the container and the send API, so everything should work.

Viele Grüße nach Ratingen :)