phoenix104104 / LapSRN

Deep Laplacian Pyramid Networks for Fast and Accurate Super-Resolution (CVPR 2017)
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Some questions about bilinear_kernel.m #10

Open GuoShi28 opened 6 years ago

GuoShi28 commented 6 years ago

Some thing wrong when I use 3 channel bilinear kernel. Following is the 2 upsampling results and original images. qq 20180131192344 qq 20180131192709 My init code is followings:

function net = add_USN_noise(net, layername, varname, parname, filter_size, scale) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- crop_default = 1; stride_default = scale; net.addLayer(layername, ... dagnn.ConvTranspose('upsample', stride_default,'crop', crop_default,'hasBias',false), ... varname{1}, varname{2}, parname);

f = net.getParamIndex(parname) ;
filters = single(bilinear_kernel(4,3,3));
net.params(f).value = filters ;
net.params(f).learningRate = 1;
net.params(f).weightDecay  = 1;
net.params(f).trainMethod = 'adam';


Do you have any idea of this problem? Thank you.