phoenixframework / phoenix

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mix deps.get can't get phoenix 1.6.7 from hex #4792

Closed michallepicki closed 2 years ago

michallepicki commented 2 years ago


Expected behavior

After running these commands on a fresh Elixir setup I would expect Mix to be able to install the dependencies:

mix archive.install hex phx_new
mix hello
cd hello
mix deps.get

Actual behavior

$ mix deps.get
** (Mix) No matching version for phoenix ~> 1.6.7 (from: mix.exs) in registry

The latest version is: 1.6.6
michallepicki commented 2 years ago

This happened to me earlier today, now I can see phoenix 1.6.7 on hex, but Mix still can't find it (?)

michallepicki commented 2 years ago

I'll investigate a bit more and reopen if I confirm the issue with stable Erlang and Elixir versions, sorry for the noise!

chrismccord commented 2 years ago

You're the third person that has reported this over the last few hours. Is it working locally for you now or still 404? I just tested locally myself and everything is working properly. This seems like a hex CDN issue, but I will need to wait until @ericmj can take a look.

alaadahmed commented 2 years ago

I have the same issue, in some apps I see there is update available for phx 1.6.7 and others I don't see this update. I also ran mix local.phx and I see version 1.6.7 installed. But when I create new app, I see in mix.exs version of phx is 1.6.7 but when I check for outdated hex, I find it 1.6.6 🤪

➜  testing mix hex.outdated
Dependency              Current  Latest  Status      
ecto_sql                3.7.2    3.7.2   Up-to-date  
esbuild                 0.4.0    0.4.0   Up-to-date  
floki                   0.32.1   0.32.1  Up-to-date  
gettext                 0.19.1   0.19.1  Up-to-date  
jason                   1.3.0    1.3.0   Up-to-date  
phoenix                 1.6.7    1.6.6   Up-to-date  
phoenix_ecto            4.4.0    4.4.0   Up-to-date  
phoenix_html            3.2.0    3.2.0   Up-to-date  
phoenix_live_dashboard  0.6.5    0.6.5   Up-to-date  
phoenix_live_reload     1.3.3    1.3.3   Up-to-date  
phoenix_live_view       0.17.9   0.17.9  Up-to-date  
plug_cowboy             2.5.2    2.5.2   Up-to-date  
postgrex                0.16.2   0.16.2  Up-to-date  
swoosh                  1.6.4    1.6.4   Up-to-date  
telemetry_metrics       0.6.1    0.6.1   Up-to-date  
telemetry_poller        1.0.0    1.0.0   Up-to-date  

Run `mix hex.outdated APP` to see requirements for a specific dependency.
➜  testing 
michallepicki commented 2 years ago

May be related to or (this one is old though)

dvic commented 2 years ago

We're seeing this issue as well, re-running the CI jobs randomly make it work, so a CDN issue sounds likely here.

ericmj commented 2 years ago

I have purged the CDN. Can you confirm if the issue is fixed?

michallepicki commented 2 years ago

It worked for me now, thank you! 🚀

dvic commented 2 years ago

We have also not encountered the issue anymore.

chrismccord commented 2 years ago

Thanks Eric!