phoenixnap / springmvc-raml-plugin

Spring MVC - RAML Spec Synchroniser Plugin. A Maven plugin designed to Generate Server & Client code in Spring from a RAML API descriptor and conversely, a RAML API document from the SpringMVC Server implementation.
Apache License 2.0
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Discriminator support #242

Closed stojsavljevic closed 6 years ago

stojsavljevic commented 6 years ago

I would like to add support for discriminator and discriminatorValue attributes of data types. Having data types defined like this:

    type: object
    discriminator: kind # refers to the `kind` property of object `Person`
      kind: string # contains name of the kind of a `Person` instance
      name: string
  Employee: # kind can equal `Employee`; default value for `discriminatorValue`
    type: Person
    discriminatorValue: emp
      employeeId: integer
  User: # kind can equal `User`; default value for `discriminatorValue`
    type: Person
    discriminatorValue: usr
      userId: integer

should generate Person object with following annotations:

@JsonTypeInfo(use = Id.NAME, include = As.EXISTING_PROPERTY, property = "kind", visible = true)
    @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = User.class, name = "usr"), 
    @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Employee.class, name = "emp") 
public class Person implements Serializable