phoet / asin

:books: :package: Amazon Simple INterface - Support for ItemLookup, SimilarityLookup, Search, BrowseNode and Cart Operations
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Aligning ASIN's terminology with Amazon's #12

Closed snoblenet closed 13 years ago

snoblenet commented 13 years ago

ASIN's read me talks about:

config.secret = 'your-secret' config.key = 'your-key' config.associate_tag = 'your-tag'

Amazon's Product API website talks about:

Secret Key Access Key ID Associate ID

Are these the same thing? (I can't test this myself due to the other issue I just reported via your GitHub page.)

If they are the same, I'll fork the gem, edit the 'read me' to what follows, then submit a pull request:

config.secret = 'your Secret Key' config.key = 'your Access Key ID' config.associate_tag = 'your Associate ID'

phoet commented 13 years ago

hi steven,

the amazon documentation ist not consistent with the naming. on some places it's called id on others it's tag.

since it's called tag in the api-documentation, i'll stick to that one.