phoet / asin

:books: :package: Amazon Simple INterface - Support for ItemLookup, SimilarityLookup, Search, BrowseNode and Cart Operations
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Find only books w/images #16

Closed tibbon closed 12 years ago

tibbon commented 12 years ago

Using code like the following, I'm pulling down a list of books.

t = tags.collect {|x|}
client = ASIN::Client.instance
books = (client.search_keywords t)

Works great, except that sometimes it grabs a book like this one:

which doesn't have an image, so it displays poorly on my page. I could set a 'default' image, but overall, I'd just rather not retrieve ones without an image. Is this possible, or does the Amazon API (or the gem) not allow that?

phoet commented 12 years ago

i don't think it's possible to filter for such a condition, but have a look at the API and find out yourself:

all optional parameters can be passed into the search-methods, so you are free to use every API parameter you like!