phofman / vs-plugin

Visual Studio Plugin for BlackBerry Native Development
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Better handle problem, when author-id from bar-descriptor doesn't match debug-token on the device #12

Closed phofman closed 9 years ago

phofman commented 10 years ago

Currently this can be seen in logs. I would imagine a nice popup with a way to quickly point to local debug-token to read the correct one.

1>  Info: Failed to obtain QConn connection, sync disabled
1>  Info: Sending request: INSTALL_AND_LAUNCH
1>  Info: Action: Install and Launch
1>  Info: File size: 93544
1>  Info: Installing com.example.FallingBlocks.testDev_llingBlocks37d009c_...
1>  Info: Processing 93544 bytes
1>  actual_dname::
1>  actual_id::
1>  actual_version::
1>  result::failure 881 application author does not match debug token author
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Platforms\BlackBerry\Microsoft.Cpp.BlackBerry.Packager.targets(231,5): error MSB6006: "blackberry-deploy.bat" exited with code 2.
phofman commented 9 years ago

See #18. AuthorID and Author/Name are stored in registry, whenever user plays with debug-token. Later, when new project is created, they are automatically injected inside bar-descriptor.xml.

This should at least limit the number of cases, when invalid publisher info is used.

phofman commented 9 years ago

OK. The bug was inside BBDeploy and BBNativePackagers. They were adding forbidden stream redirections inside argument lines generated for tool runner. I have changed the way stdout is handled on BBTask level and printing it to previously redirected files. Errors are captured specially and presented as VS error-tasks.