phofman / vs-plugin

Visual Studio Plugin for BlackBerry Native Development
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Project import #34

Closed dweorh closed 9 years ago

dweorh commented 9 years ago

Hey again,

One more thing concerning project import. I'm using svn, git as well, but svn 'produce' a lot of folders and subfolders with billions of files inside.

What do you think to add kind of 'filter' to remove such dummy files from import files list?

I know that I can uncheck them but filter like 'exclude folders: .svn' or 'exclude files: .git' would be a cool feature.


phofman commented 9 years ago

Sorry, it took so long. Now you can check/uncheck/remove files from the list, simply by right-clicking them and using context menu.

It's already pushed on 'develop' branch and will appear in the next release.