phofman / vs-plugin

Visual Studio Plugin for BlackBerry Native Development
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bar-descriptor.xml - Momentics interoperability #43

Open tomgregar opened 9 years ago

tomgregar commented 9 years ago

I tried to open project generated in VS plugin (VSP) in Momentics - to design qml there. Some warnings occured in Bar-descriptor.xml:

One bigger issue is related with this - Momentics cannot open VS project as is, it only can import "existing code as Blackberry c/c++ makefile project". This works, qml is editable, you can save it and open in VS etc. That process adds Momentics .project and .cproject files. BUT - it also overwrite config.pri. And something in that import automatically adds Build Configurations Device-Coverage, Simulator-Profile and Simulator-Coverage without entry-point causing error if someone try to edit bar-descriptor.xml/Build configurations in Momentics UI. The good thing is that project remains buildable in VS.

It would be nice if VSP - when creating/updating project - could generate also Momentics project metadata - so it will be openable in Momentics without import-based issues.

phofman commented 9 years ago

Yes, I agree the bar-descriptor editor needs a bigger update (read: total rewrite). It has lots of other issues not mentioned here: there are only few sub-editors comparing to ones from Momentics, it enforces its own attributes order, removes comments (reformats the document) and UI could be improved.

But generating Momentics metadata is not the path I would like to go. I don't want to be asked to launch Momentics at all ;)