Open fengkeyleaf opened 3 years ago
It seems like you are not using ghci-dap. Could you confirm that haskell-debug-adapter and ghci-dap command is on your PATH environment?
command prompt
> ghci-dap --version
[DAP][INFO] start ghci-dap-0.0.XX.0.
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 9.X.X
$ haskell-debug-adapter --version
VERSION: haskell-debug-adapter-0.0.XX.0
It seems like you are not using ghci-dap. Could you confirm that haskell-debug-adapter and ghci-dap command is on your PATH environment?
command prompt > ghci-dap --version [DAP][INFO] start ghci-dap-0.0.XX.0. The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 9.X.X > $ haskell-debug-adapter --version VERSION: haskell-debug-adapter-0.0.XX.0 >
Yes, I have those two on my PATH environment:
So I don't know what's wrong with my environment.
On "myProject", ghc-9.0.1 is used, but ghci-dap is installed with ghc-8.10.4. In "myProject" folder, could you reinstall ghci-dap and haskell-debug-adapter, for ghc-9.0.1.
Are you using cabal? (or stack)
I'm using cabal, but how do I reinstall ghci-dap and haskell-debug-adapter for ghc-9.0.1. in "myProject"? I used Chocolatey to install and GHC and cabal but there was no specific version designated.
Could you confirm the PATH environment ? In below case, "C:\Users\phoityne\AppData\Roaming\cabal\bin" should be on the PATH.
c:\temp>cabal install ghci-dap haskell-debug-adapter --overwrite-policy=always
Resolving dependencies...
Up to date
Copying 'ghci-dap.exe' to
Copying 'haskell-debug-adapter.exe' to
c:\temp>C:\Users\phoityne\AppData\Roaming\cabal\bin\ghci-dap.exe --version
[DAP][INFO] start ghci-dap-
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 9.0.1
c:\temp>where ghci-dap
I set up the configuration according to the instructions, but when I run the program, it showed the following message in the DEBUG CONSOLE:
Laded package environment from C:\Users\fengk\OneDrive\documents\computerScience\RIT\2021 fall\myProject\dist-newstyle\tmp\environment.-12116.ghc.environment.x86_64-mingw32-9.0.1 GHCi, version 9.0.1: :? for help target 。ョfall\myProject。ッ is not a module name or a source file ghci>:set prompt "<>\nH>>= "
H>>= :set prompt-cont "<>\nH>>= "
H>>= :dap-launch ...
unknown command ':dap-launch'
use :? for help.
H>>= :load C:/Users/fengk/OneDrive/documents/computerScience/RIT/2021 fall/myProject/app/Main.hs
target 。ョC:/Users/fengk/OneDrive/documents/computerScience/RIT/2021。ッ is not a module name or a source file
H>>= :dap-context-modules ...
unknown command ':dap-context-modules'
use :? for help.
H>>= :dap-set-breakpoints ...
unknown command ':dap-set-breakpoints'
use :? for help.
H>>= [ERROR][APP] invalid dap result from ghci. ["unknown command ':dap-set-breakpoints'","use :? for help.","H>>= "]
And I couldn't debug with step over and so on.