phonegap-build / GAPlugin

Google Analytics Plugin
MIT License
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Plugin doesn't seem to work #58

Open vespino opened 10 years ago

vespino commented 10 years ago

I have tried the following integration (Phonegap Build) but the plugin doesn't seem to work:

In my config.xml: [gap:plugin name="com.adobe.plugins.gaplugin" /]

In my javascript file: function onDeviceReady() { app.initialize(); gaPlugin = window.plugins.gaPlugin; gaPlugin.init(successHandler, errorHandler, "UA-12345678-1", 10);

I have created the success and error functions, but both don't seem to be fired. So no success and no error.

What can I be doing wrong?

ghost commented 10 years ago

I'm having the same issue. To test it, I created a new app that was just a single page based on the repo's example and it's still not working. When I log the 'result' or 'error' from the success or error callbacks, they are both null.

dotNetkow commented 10 years ago

Hi - I'm successfully using the plugin and happened across your issue. I think I know the issue - do you have the line of code that registers the onDeviceReady method? I noticed this is missing from the README; it should definitely be added in in order to have a true working example:

function onDeviceReady() {
      gaPlugin = window.plugins.gaPlugin;
      gaPlugin.init(successHandler, errorHandler, "YOUR ID", 10);
function initialize() {
      // PhoneGap will call this for you it has fully loaded and is ready for plugin interaction
      document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);

and then HTML:

<body onload="initialize();">
    // other HTML
vespino commented 10 years ago

My problem seem to be "app.initialize();" which had to be at the and of the onDeviceReady function. It works perfectly now!

ghost commented 10 years ago

My issue turned out to be some conflict with FastClick

For some reason, it was preventing it from ever calling 'onDeviceReady' so the gaPlugin object was never being created. I removed FastClick and it seemed to work fine and called it good. :)

dotNetkow commented 10 years ago

Ah, ok. Strange, but I've run across issues like that before. What usually works for me if I introduce something new and see odd behavior, especially with onDeviceReady is to slowly work my way backwards until it's resolved.