When using windows phone 8.1 with IE 11 (Following latest phone software update),
the call to execScript no longer supported in IE 11
instead we have to call exec and new string[] {command}
This change has now been done to cordova 3.6 release, it also needs doing in the
WP8 push plugin code too
When using windows phone 8.1 with IE 11 (Following latest phone software update), the call to execScript no longer supported in IE 11 instead we have to call exec and new string[] {command}
This change has now been done to cordova 3.6 release, it also needs doing in the WP8 push plugin code too
PushPlugin.cs change is:
void ExecuteCallback(string callback, string callbackResult) { Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { PhoneApplicationFrame frame; PhoneApplicationPage page; CordovaView cView;