phonegap-build / StatusBarPlugin

PhoneGap Build Plugin providing some customizations to the iOS status bar
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Status bar turn black for a moment #29

Open vespino opened 10 years ago

vespino commented 10 years ago

When my app starts up the splashscreen is shown, then the statusbar turns black before turning into the color I'd like to use. Is this something I can prevent? I'm using these settings in Phonegap Build:

StatusBar.overlaysWebView(false); StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#666a6d");

vespino commented 10 years ago


martinbottanek commented 10 years ago

You may try to hardcode the desired color inside of "_backgroundColorByHexString:(NSString*)hexString"

e.g. _statusBarBackgroundView.backgroundColor = [UIColor cyanColor];

Obviously, the default is black.