phonegap-build / StatusBarPlugin

PhoneGap Build Plugin providing some customizations to the iOS status bar
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overlaysWebView default #5

Closed leecrossley closed 10 years ago

leecrossley commented 10 years ago

Overlaying the WebView is the default behaviour without using this plugin. When using the plugin you have to forcibly call StatusBar.overlaysWebView(true); e.g.

StatusBar.overlaysWebView(true); // required

The 2nd line shouldn't be necessary in my opinion. Thoughts?

bobeast commented 10 years ago

When we initially added support on Build for Cordova 3.1.0, we got substantial pushback from the community because it defaulted to iOS7 behavior (status bar overlays the web view)

We opted to make 3.1.0 default to iOS6 behavior (on PhoneGap Build) and allow the developer to use the plugin to set it back to iOS7 behavior at their discretion.

Doing the reverse, would have required users to use the plugin (as opposed to optionally) or to pad their content to compensate.

Its a judgement call either way which we will revisit when we add support for 3.2.0.

wildabeast commented 10 years ago

Seems like this is OK to stay as is for now. Closing.