phonegap / build

This is the public repository for PhoneGap Build source and bug tracking
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[WinPhone] does not support locales #1

Closed hardeep closed 9 years ago

hardeep commented 11 years ago

Windows Phone defaults to the locale en_US, however users are not able to submit their apps as the correct locale is added to the project.

For example, Italian apps are not accepted to the market place as they are labelled en_US.

Parent Topic:

alunny commented 11 years ago

Another person with this issue:

amirudin commented 11 years ago

Similar issue here:

jellehermsen commented 11 years ago

5 months later this issue still exists, and unfortunately this renders PB for Windows Phone unusable for me, because I need to get my Dutch app submitted. I understand this is a very low priority problem, because most people will want their apps in English, but I really hope that someone picks up on this.

fredrikstolpe commented 11 years ago

What's the status on this? I also have the same problem.

laurianttila commented 11 years ago

Having same issues with an app which is supposed to be launched in Finnish only. It seems the only solution is to build with Visual Studio.

fredrikstolpe commented 11 years ago

Yup, that was what I ended up doing. The WP apps goes from visual studio, iOS and android from Phonegap build.

christiandersen commented 11 years ago

It would be very nice if this bug was solved.

amirudin commented 11 years ago

Related issue:

vkgundersen commented 11 years ago

Got the same error, can't submit my app as Danish. Would love for this to get fixed!

fredrikstolpe commented 11 years ago

For people who are stuck, more info on the only solution right now:

laurianttila commented 11 years ago

This documentation should be also helpful. We've now published our app in Finnish building it for WP following this method.

Still would be good if this could be done using build service.

shawnmckay24 commented 11 years ago

Thank you for submitting an issue. The PhoneGap Build team has triaged your request and labeled it:

  1. Bug
  2. Low priority

We've added your request to the team's backlog. Due to high volumes, there may be a delay in addressing your request. Rest assured, we haven't lost track of your request. Your feedback is very valuable to us, so please keep it coming.

If you have any questions, please ask us over on our support community. We love to help!


The PhoneGap Build team

shawnmckay24 commented 11 years ago

Thank you for submitting an issue. The PhoneGap Build team has triaged your request and labeled it:

  1. feature request
  2. Low priority

We've added your request to the team's backlog. Due to high volumes, there may be a delay in addressing your request. Rest assured, we haven't lost track of your request. Your feedback is very valuable to us, so please keep it coming.

If you have any questions, please ask us over on our support community. We love to help!


The PhoneGap Build team

wiikka commented 11 years ago

Similar problem I hope this is fixed as soon as possible

basgroot commented 10 years ago

+1 here!

basvanhal commented 10 years ago

Similar problem, but for us this is a showstopper. Because we cannot deploy for windows phone.

So why is this a Low priority?

santeriv commented 10 years ago


markaspot commented 10 years ago


fredrikstolpe commented 10 years ago

Hey guys, just have to repost my old solution from the support forum in case someone missed it. To support locales you can build locally using Visual Studio. Even if you normally don't use it you can download a free edition and do it quite simply:

  1. Download Visual Studio Express 2010 for Windows Phone:
  2. Follow the instructions here:

Note; it also works with newer versions of visual studio but then your OS needs to be windows 8.

laurianttila commented 10 years ago

Thanks for repost, this is the way we are currently building our WP version of our software (in fi-FI locale). Additional work, but it works.

markaspot commented 10 years ago


ghost commented 10 years ago


rebrandsoftware commented 10 years ago

+1. My app is available in 22 languages but I can only submit English descriptions and screenshots to the Windows Phone app store because of this bug.

In my case a setting for multiple languages would be more appropriate but I would of course settle for doing 22 individual builds to get around this bug.

rebrandsoftware commented 10 years ago

This one is a real bummer due to the workflow of the windows phone app submission process. You only find out about it once you have a release-ready XAP built.

rebrandsoftware commented 10 years ago

In the mean-time I have a temporary solution that is allowing me to submit multiple languages:

-Download your XAP from Build -On a Windows machine (I used Win8 because this didn't work on my mac) -Change extension to .zip -Decompress -Edit XMAppManifest.xml -In XML format, add your default language and language codes in this format (space added after < to allow for posting here):

< Languages xmlns=""> < Language code="en-US" /> < Language code="de-DE" /> < Language code="ja-JP" /> < /Languages> -Save the XML file -Recompress the contents of the XAP into a ZIP file -Rename .zip to .xap -Submit to store

Make sure you follow the codes listed here or you'll get an error message:

I now have one XAP with 22 languages available for me to fill out descriptions and add screenshots.

So, it seems like in order to properly add support to PhoneGap Build it will be necessary to add Default Language and individual ISO language codes to config.xml, and filter out an unsupported languages before adding them to the XMAppManifest.xml file.

bau720123 commented 10 years ago

+1 thanks to @rebrandsoftware

sstraus commented 10 years ago

Do we need to change it manually each time or will be fixed?

basterbrugge commented 10 years ago

+1 on support for this on Phonegap Build.

EddyVerbruggen commented 10 years ago

+1 on finally fixing this, it's the oldest issue in the repo and pretty essential for WP support. And thanks to @rebrandsoftware for the workaround!

rebrandsoftware commented 10 years ago

It's been 5 months since I posted that workaround. I'm glad to see it's helped some people. I just released a new windows phone build yesterday using Build with PhoneGap 3.3.0 and it has not been fixed.

I had to look up my own workaround because I had forgotten what I did the first time! Thanks, me! :)

Hopefully they will get to it soon.

rebrandsoftware commented 10 years ago

Also, if you use my workaround and do a new build: yes, you have to do it all over again. I would keep a text file with your additional XML handy once you get it working properly.

Make sure you don't submit an English only XAP by accident. The Windows Store will delete all of your previous localizations if you do.

lhwparis commented 9 years ago

unbelievable that this issue is still open? ehats going on here? are other languages then english not a major case for the phonegap team? in my oppinion thats a blocker!

bau720123 commented 9 years ago

+1 I don't know why phonegap team doesn't solve this problem... every build...every manually fix...

goya commented 9 years ago

we'll check this out, as we could just copy the gap:config-file functionality from iOS and Android which would allow this support. i doubt we'll add new config.xml elements/attributes as that would just add more black box stuff.

i'll keep you posted as we triage stuff when we get back to work in the next week.

goya commented 9 years ago

winphone8 now has config-file element support. so for example to change the default / add supported languages you can add this to your config.xml:

<gap:config-file platform="winphone" parent="/Deployment" mode="replace">
<Languages xmlns="">
        <Language code="fr-FR"/>
        <Language code="fr-CA"/>
    <DefaultLanguage xmlns="" code="fr-FR" />

it has been deployed and we will be adding it to the docs soon.

bau720123 commented 9 years ago

hi @goya it's work thanks for your usage way

andreszs commented 9 years ago

@goya What about version number? The external version number from the XML is completely ignored by the Windows Dev Center. Am I the first one to upload a XAP file from PhoneGap to Windows Dev Center, or what?

goya commented 9 years ago

Please read this thread as it explains how we normalize the version in config.xml to a valid version string for windows phone

Moinkhaan commented 9 years ago

I have added that config-file element in my config.xml, i am using cordova cli, and the generated file still does not contain the language I want inside its WMAppManifest.xml

wildabeast commented 9 years ago

@khaanYoufoot the <gap:config-file> element is only supported by PhoneGap Build, it won't have any effect on cordova cli builds.

Moinkhaan commented 9 years ago

@wildbeast < gap:config-file> is not supported by cordova CLI true, but it does affect it. It breaks the cordova CLI app after splash screen

ivanov84 commented 8 years ago

This work as plugin in Cordova (Intel XDK):



Firzenizer commented 7 years ago

I am also having issues with Finnish language. Defaulting to en-US all the time. I tried the config element suggested by @goya with no luck. I am using phonegap build version 5.4.1.

I also noticed documentation has no mention of windows phone under modifying manifests:

What can I do? Except manually modify language every time.