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[Android] Configure loadUrlTimeoutValue #16

Closed hardeep closed 11 years ago

hardeep commented 11 years ago

Slow application loads will trigger a timeout on Android, this is noticeable on the Android 4.0 emulator.

To resolve this issue the user should be able to configure the loadUrlTimeoutValue defined by super.setIntegerProperty

alunny commented 11 years ago

@hardeep have you had a chance to look at this? shall we get someone else to look at it, if you're too busy?

hardeep commented 11 years ago

@goya is now handling the issue.

vishwajeet commented 11 years ago

Any updates on this issue ?

goya commented 11 years ago

i'm currently working on the issue and a fix will hopefully be pushed up this week.

hardeep commented 11 years ago

this thread also needs to be updated once it's complete:

jamesarthurjohn commented 11 years ago

I need guidance as to where I can configure the loadUrlTimeoutValue. Is there a way to do it via jQuery (I am developing in jQuery Mobile)?

vishwajeet commented 11 years ago

@jamesarthurjohn : you need to do it in java code there is no way to do it through javascript api right now.

super.setIntegerProperty("loadUrlTimeoutValue", 160000);

jamesarthurjohn commented 11 years ago

@vishwajeet : Thanks!

alunny commented 11 years ago

This has been added to PhoneGap Build now - documentation is at

mrfatguy commented 10 years ago

@alunny Where exactly it is documented in I can't find any entry about loadUrlTimeoutValue. I only managed to find it in PhoneGap configuration documentation. Not even a word in PGB docs.

jamesarthurjohn commented 10 years ago

I asked that 9 months ago and either resolved it or found a workaround. Either way, I cannot recall.

James "Jamie" Johnson, BBA, MA, A+, ACHDS, HDA, HDM, MOS, W3S/HTML JMU Information Technology Web Developer Browser Detection and Test

"Test everything. Hold on to the good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21

From: trejder [] Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2013 3:25 AM To: phonegap/build Cc: Johnson, Jamie - johns2ja Subject: Re: [build] [Android] Configure loadUrlTimeoutValue (#16)

@alunny Where exactly it is documented in I can't find any entry about loadUrlTimeoutValue. I only managed to find it in PhoneGap configuration documentation Not even a word in PGB docs.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

mrfatguy commented 10 years ago

Great! :] but, I'm asking @alunny as he has closed this issue, claiming, that proper information is in config.xml documentation and it is gone there.

alunny commented 10 years ago

@trejder find in page "Load URL timeout"

mrfatguy commented 10 years ago

@alunny OK. I see, why did I missed it out. Seems that config.xml documentation uses hyphen notation (load-url-timeout), while PhoneGap configuration documentation says about camel case notation (loadUrlTimeoutValue).

Does this change affects other, undocumented in config.xml values? Do I have to use loading-dialog instead of loadingDialog and loading-page-dialog instead of loadingPageDialog, when dealing with PhoneGap Build's config.xml documentation? Or if there is no trace about particular item in config.xml documentation uses hyphen notation (load-url-timeout), then we should assume, that this particular parameters is not supported (like no trace of loading-dialog / loadingDialog).

BTW: There's a bug in either documentation (in "Load URL timeout" section) or PhoneGap Build. Docs says: "defaults to 20000 (20 seconds)", while on Android 2.x I'm receiving timeout errors after about 4-5 seconds, that is 4-5 times shorter period, than docs says.

alunny commented 10 years ago

The PhoneGap Build settings predate the PhoneGap/Cordova config.xml, which only came quite recently.

I no longer work for Adobe, so I'm not the best source of knowledge for PhoneGap Build. Maybe @hardeep or @goya would know the answer to your other questions.