phonegap / build

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iOS 3.1.0 orientation change resizes webview #211

Closed yimingkuan closed 10 years ago

yimingkuan commented 10 years ago

Builds on iOS using PhoneGap 3.1.0 resizes the webview on iPhones whenever the orientation is changed. If the app is launched in portrait mode, then rotated to landscape, only a white screen is displayed. If rotated back to portrait, the webview is rendered only on the left side of the screen, while the right side of the screen is white.

AppID is 214964

EddyVerbruggen commented 10 years ago

Indeed. Also see this issue:

bobeast commented 10 years ago

looking into this now...

bobeast commented 10 years ago


amirudin commented 10 years ago

Hi Bob

It is partially fixed and are reproducible. Can you by chance revisit the issue?


anemitoff commented 10 years ago

If it is fixed, will there be a new phonegap version? Otherwise how do I get this fix... My remote phone gap builds as of a few minutes ago are suffering from the bug shown in the link amirudin posted in his comment.

scottopolis commented 10 years ago

I am also experiencing this issue with phonegap 3.1 + ios7

bobeast commented 10 years ago

@scottopolis are you building with Cordova, or PhoneGap Build?

scottopolis commented 10 years ago

Phonegap build. I managed to fix it, I think the problem might have been that I wasn't including all the plugins I needed. Also, I switched to phonegap 3.0 and that helped, although I haven't fully pinpointed the problem.

bobeast commented 10 years ago

This problem was specific to 3.1.0 on build. A fix for it went in place a while back, and others who had reported have since verified the fix. In any case let me know your App ID and I can take a look at it if you like.

sdmarshall commented 10 years ago

Hi bob, is this fix currently live in phonegap build now? I can still reproduce it with my app (id 394833) built using 3.1.0.

If i start the app in portrait mode. Change to landscape and take a photo the webview resizes back to portrait.

edit: on IPad2 IOS 7

sbelitz commented 10 years ago

Same here, problem still exists in Version 3.1.0 on PhoneGap Build and iOS7 (App ID 555513).

Edit: Here's what happens: When I launch the app in portrait mode and then change to landscape mode, i see only a white screen. After rotating back to portrait mode, the app is partially shown on the left side - everything else is cut off.

bobeast commented 10 years ago

@sbelitz I just tried your app in an iPhone 5 and an iPad 3. Neither of them exhibited this problem. Are you still experiencing it?

sbelitz commented 10 years ago

Hey Bob, thanks for looking into this. I have now deleted the app from my iPhone and did a fresh install (without hydration). That did the trick, it's working now. Thanks a lot!

bobeast commented 10 years ago

@sdmarshall Please check if the solution provided by @sbelitz works for you as well.

tropan commented 10 years ago

I got the same problem with an iPhone 5s and iPad4. I want a fixed landscape orientation but it looks like portrait with this white area on one side. I am using phonegap build (App ID 776470). I double-checked the config.xml settings and I tried sbelitz way to do a fresh reinstall but nothing works. Any new infos from that side? Thanks

tropan commented 10 years ago

I figured out that the white area seems to show up when using the StatusBar-Plugin with landscape orientation. The usual way to get rid of the statusbar in ios7 is described as using "Statusbar.hide();" onDeviceReady. But that's what I figured out what brings up the white area in my case. Any hint of how to get rid of the statusbar safely (w/o errors) or what else I could do would be appreciated... thanks!