phonegap / build

This is the public repository for PhoneGap Build source and bug tracking
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[iOS] Application Loader: codesign verification fails, codesign: code object is not signed at all #305

Closed amirudin closed 10 years ago

amirudin commented 10 years ago

Receive error from Application Loader:

"Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, contains disallowed entitlements, or it was not signed with an iPhone Distribution Certificate"

Complaint received from several users

goya commented 10 years ago

checking this out now

eric-sm commented 10 years ago

Status update?

goya commented 10 years ago


Webby-68 commented 9 years ago

Still not working :\

goya commented 9 years ago

hi @Webby-68 please post a get satisfaction issue at so we can troubleshoot.

Webby-68 commented 9 years ago

Can't log on I am logged on, unable to log on :\ Am fed up with creating 5146846874 accounts here and there (one for build, one for, one for community, etc...) and never get the good account, for the right service. Unify accounts, plizzzz :\

And by the way, it's still not working. Another thing that is not working : "Enable debugging" worked days ago... not at all now. And hydration freezes 30% of the time...

goya commented 9 years ago

what's your app id?

Webby-68 commented 9 years ago

This is my testing app :

Many many many problems :

(phone : Nexus 5, usb debug mode) ​

And don't tell me to make a new app and try again, i can't make other app (i don't understand why, we have several Adobe Creative Cloud‎ accounts here, but unable to create more apps :( ) Other issue : french translations are not complete or sometimes not available at all on some pages... (ex : )

Many other issues found on online forums, set as closed but poeple still have same problems.

Phonegap seems not to be finished or is it in beta version ?

2014-07-12 0:34 GMT+02:00 Brett Rudd

what's your app id?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Webby-68 commented 9 years ago

I still can't be connected to "Community-powered support for PhoneGap Build" capture du 2014-07-15 17 29 02

Am logged in "", but never logged on "", and still unable to be logged in. Why ?!! capture du 2014-07-15 17 30 13

(see screenshots)

goya commented 9 years ago

community site is separate site, with different login.

Webby-68 commented 9 years ago

Unbelievable !... :-\

... and i still have problems with 816804. DOES NOT read config.xml sent in zip archive project file... i just can't work on my project.

goya commented 9 years ago

do you have an issue on i can troubleshoot your issues on?

this issue tracker is for single issues, not support for individual users or apps.

Webby-68 commented 9 years ago

Have a look at this : capture du 2014-07-17 10 25 18 And when on, i try to log in or sign up, but nothing appends...

How to report issues, when reporting is impossible ? How to use Phonegap when nothing works ? I have 3 different applications, with same source code, same config.xml but different behaviour... and no one to help :\

I'm sorry, but i realy don't understand how you provide support, with at least 3 ways to report bug, and none of them is realy working...

goya commented 9 years ago

you cannot create an issue at ?

Webby-68 commented 9 years ago

It's been 3 days I'm trying to explain you that :

We've been creating 3 different accounts, and even purchasing a brand new CC licence : still no changes. I made all from the beginning, on another computer, with another account, Phonegap Build DOES NOT care about my config.xml files. In some projects i can generate an APK, in some other, with the EXACTLY SAME ZIPPED project file, exactly the same account, i can't. Some apk can be installed on my phone, other won't. There's something wrong.

For example, in this project #816804, regarding to config.xml i have wrong name, wrong description, wrong icon, wrong plugin list, etc. - list is very long- capture du 2014-07-18 10 35 52

Here is the "settings" tab of #816804 : capture du 2014-07-18 10 50 28 ... where fields a readonly !! o.O

So, as written : "Your application's details are bound to the config.xml file in your application package. To edit these details, change that file and push it back up to us. ", i tryed to re-re-re-re-re-upload project file, i even tryed to upload config.xml alone : no succes

In this other one #1012281, with exact same zip file : capture du 2014-07-18 10 43 38

For me, Phonegap is not working at all.

Webby-68 commented 9 years ago

Another bug :

Here is App #1012281 : capture du 2014-07-18 12 06 28

These are my certificates : capture du 2014-07-18 12 08 04

BUT, i can't choose any of my certificates ? So how do i make my app releases without that ?!!

Webby-68 commented 9 years ago

And finaly, when i manage to generate an ipa file (in that case on #1010451 app), it won't install (iPhone said : "unable to install application", without any other explanations... :-\ )

Have a try :

Is something working as it should in Phonegap ?

goya commented 9 years ago

do you have an issue on i can troubleshoot your issues on?

this issue tracker is for single issues, not support for individual users or apps.

goya commented 9 years ago

please start a thread on get satisfaction and we can troubleshoot your issues. this issue is closed.