phonegap / build

This is the public repository for PhoneGap Build source and bug tracking
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[Hydration] iOS ignores config.xml preferences #36

Closed alunny closed 11 years ago

alunny commented 11 years ago

Preferences in question:

alunny commented 11 years ago

@wildabeast is this fixed in the latest Hydra release?

wildabeast commented 11 years ago

Didn't get a chance to look into this last week. Will asap.

wildabeast commented 11 years ago

Just tested on iOS6 with hydration enabled:

Will test on iOS5 tomorrow

wildabeast commented 11 years ago

Can't reproduce / works for me on iOS5, iOS6.

shazron commented 11 years ago

Is there a list of what works or doesn't? A Build user is reporting BackupWebStorage does not work.

jhh3 commented 10 years ago

The fullscreen preference is not working for me on iOS7. Any ideas why this might be the case?

CreativeVikings commented 10 years ago

I got the same problem, also iOS7

wildabeast commented 10 years ago

@jholliman @CreativeVikings Only when Hydration is enabled (as per title)? Or in general?

Maybe create a new issue as this is quite old.