phonegap / build

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"The binary you uploaded was invalid." #574

Closed johny99 closed 6 years ago

johny99 commented 7 years ago

Got the following error: "The binary you uploaded was invalid." when uploading the phone gap file to the Apple (via iTunes connect) any idea what can be the issue?

[metadata.xml, Grendz-2.ipa] [2017-01-24 19:38:05 JST]

DBG-X: parameter MinimumFileSizeThresholdForCheckum = 104857600 [2017-01-24 19:38:05 JST]
ERROR: ERROR ITMS-90168: "The binary you uploaded was invalid." [2017-01-24 19:38:05 JST]
DBG-X: The error code is: 1102 [2017-01-24 19:38:05 JST]
INFO: Done performing authentication. [2017-01-24 19:38:05 JST]
DBG-X: Returning 1

Package Summary:

1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems: /var/folders/tj/795m8r7n683d60kzff15nb2c0000gn/T/76BF2049-BA58-4967-8D4A-02F8DBDA6E6F/1187117482.itmsp - Error Messages: ERROR ITMS-90168: "The binary you uploaded was invalid."

ronnievdc commented 7 years ago

Today I got the same issue. I found this post on Stackoverfow but didn't help.

After removing the folder uploading worked again: rm -R ~/.itmstransporter

tisdall commented 6 years ago

for anyone else coming here... I found that despite iTunes Connect suggesting using Application Loader 3.0, it simply doesn't work. I had to download Xcode and use the 3.6 version that came with it to upload properly.

peni4142 commented 6 years ago

is there a way without downloading Xcode? my Mac can't download that