phonegap / build

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Problema al firmar un apk / Problem signing apk #580

Open garren30 opened 7 years ago

garren30 commented 7 years ago

Buen día

En los últimos días he tenido un problema con la generación de mi apk firmado. al generar un apk en modo debug todo funciona bien, pero al seleccionar el certificado para generar el apk firmado y poder subirlo al store, pareciera que el jquery no funciona, ya que las funciones que tengo con jquery no se activan, pero al colocar esta misma función con un onclick se activa.

Este certificado ya lo había usado anteriormente y lograba generar el apk correctamente y funcional, pero desde que se actualizo a phonegap 6.5 no he podido generar un apk firmado funcional, me podrían colaborar con este tema.

Muchas gracias por su ayuda

Good day

In recent days I have had a problem with generating my signed apk. When generating an apk in debug mode everything works fine, but when selecting the certificate to generate the signed apk and be able to upload it to the store, it seems that the jquery does not work, since the functions that I have with jquery are not activated, but by placing this Same function with an onclick is activated.

This certificate had already used it before and managed to generate the apk correctly and functional, but since it was updated to phonegap 6.5 I could not generate a signed functional apk, I could collaborate with this topic.

Thank you very much for your help

goya commented 7 years ago

do you have an app with the minimum code to replicate this?