phonegap / build

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Windows application release in phonegap certificate #589

Open pulahn opened 7 years ago

pulahn commented 7 years ago

Hello fridends,

I have made an application using phonegap now I want to release in windows store but the thing is that since windows 10 has introduced they require .pfx certificate now as per this link [(] it redirect to windows page which is according to widows is deprecated.

I tried to build by openssl but when I build it with it I am getting error that "The certificate specified is not valid for signing. " I am stuck at this point please help me to resolve this.

I have also tried self signed certificate but then it ask for eku is not valid hence I have followed this link

as a result I stuck that "The certificate specified is not valid for signing." point Please help me out. Is there any special guiedline for this?

Thanks in adcance