phonegap / connect-phonegap

Stream a PhoneGap app to any device.
Apache License 2.0
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Can we support https? #159

Open mwbrooks opened 7 years ago

mwbrooks commented 7 years ago

Issue reported that Geolocation does not work on an insecure origin and suggested supporting https. I don't know if this will solve the Geolocation, but we would first need to look into supporting https for our users. Is this possible without extra work on the user's part?

imhotep commented 7 years ago

My knowledge on the topic is not the greatest but I believe HTTPS requires generating certificates by either self signing them or using a certificate authority like let's encrypt (free) or others. So minimum setup required (not sure how much we can automate it).

Geolocation, Device Motion and other powerful features are no longer accessible without an encrypted connection.