phonegap / connect-phonegap

Stream a PhoneGap app to any device.
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Move browser functionality out of connect-phonegap. #188

Closed stevengill closed 7 years ago

stevengill commented 7 years ago

Pr for #176

Part of the decouple phonegap work

filmaj commented 7 years ago

As far as I can tell this is just removing stuff... can you explain how this works together with the decouple work in phonegap-cli? Has the 'browser addition' functionality simply moved into the CLI?

stevengill commented 7 years ago

browser addition + cordova prepare has been moved to cli. Gaze can be passed into connect-phonegap from the cli now. Previously, we passed the full cordova object to connect-phonegap to do browser addition + prepare when changed are detected. Not needed anymore.