phonegap / phonegap-app-desktop

PhoneGap Desktop App
Apache License 2.0
842 stars 315 forks source link

Try to make the background image will scroll with the page #885

Closed rom529 closed 5 years ago

rom529 commented 6 years ago

System Configuration

PhoneGap Desktop version


PhoneGap Mobile App version

Mobile devices & Mobile OS version

android oneplus 5t

Computer OS version

windows 10

Network Type (home/corporate)


Is your network using a proxy?

Computer / Network security (firewall / anti-virus / disk encryption)

Are you using VMs on your computer?

Do you have multiple network adapters (or virtual network adapters)?

Are you using VPN?

Expected Behaviour

the background image will scroll with the page

Actual Behaviour

This happens in the Chrome browser on my computer but not in the phonegap on my phone

Steps to Reproduce

Error messages

purplecabbage commented 5 years ago

I suspect you are not using proper cross-browser css, but I cannot know without seeing more. If you are still having this issue please reopen and post some sample code that demonstrates the issue. This does not appear to be a phonegap-desktop issue.