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Proxy for external Requests is broken #652

Open chrisschaub opened 7 years ago

chrisschaub commented 7 years ago

PhoneGap CLI, node & npm versions

Phonegap 6.3.3, Node 4.6, npm 2.15.9

Ionic CLI has a local proxy where you can map local to remote proxy urls in a config file to avoid CSRF and CORS and related errors when doing local dev with a remote data source.

I can't get the phonegap cli --proxy switch to work with phonegap serve, and the doc is not very clear to me. Just adding /proxy/ to my urls didn't work, and I have tried a bunch of variations on that theme. If I want to always proxy requests at so my local app in browser thinks its localhost data source, how do I do this? I would rather not disable Chrome security and use Ripple if at all possible. Thanks for any help.

timkim commented 7 years ago

Hi @chrisschaub

Hrm, the old --proxy command was for some legacy issues (before the content-sync plugin in the PhoneGap Developer App) so it's collected some dust since then.

From my initial observations, it doesn't seem the proxy code is actually being passed down to the client. I'll need to investigate further.

filmaj commented 7 years ago

It looks like the proxy option (which defaults to true) gets passed straight to connect-phonegap's listen method.

So connect-phonegap monkeypatches XHR that redirects URLs bound for different hostnames to a /proxy/<url>. It then looks like a connect-phonegap middleware called proxy.js picks those requests up and does the work of making the cross-origin requests on behalf of the client.

I tried to get this feature working based on my understanding above:

  1. Created a simple blank phonegap app: phonegap create test --template blank.
  2. Added the browser platform: cd test; phonegap platform add browser.
  3. Edited the index.html that comes with that to do a basic cross-origin XHR (with the hopes that the connect-phonegap proxy logic will kick in):
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, width=device-width">
        <title>Blank App</title>
        <h1><a id="link" href="#">Click me nao!</a></h1>
            <h3>XHR results:</h3>
            <p id="results"></p>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var link = document.getElementById('link');
            var results = document.getElementById('results');
            function handler(evt) {
                var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
                oReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
                    if (oReq.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
                        if (oReq.status === 200) {
                            results.innerHTML = oReq.responseText;
                        } else {
                            results.innerHTML = 'xhr failed! http status code: ' + oReq.status;
      "GET", "");
            link.addEventListener('touchstart', handler);
            link.addEventListener('click', handler);
        <script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script>
  1. Serve it up: phonegap -d serve
  2. When I go to issue the cross-origin XHR, it fails. The network tab of my browser is pretty informative and gives clues as to what is going on:
screen shot 2017-04-21 at 9 34 41 am screen shot 2017-04-21 at 9 36 34 am

@surajpindoria @timkim - looks like this is a legit bug. And it probably is in connect-phonegap, right?

filmaj commented 7 years ago

After digging in a bit more in connect-phonegap, it, on its own, seems to work fine with proxying (I tested it with the case I tried above). So there must be something else happening causing the http://undefined redirect, possibly in phonegap serve itself. Need to dig more.

filmaj commented 7 years ago

So I think the underlying issue here is trying to proxy URLs that return 3xx redirect HTTP status codes. And the bug exists in connect-phonegap. Please track phonegap/connect-phonegap#197 for updates on the issue.

In short: