phonegap / phonegap-cli

PhoneGap and PhoneGap/Build command-line interface
Apache License 2.0
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PhoneGap Build Platform #791

Open virtginia opened 5 years ago

virtginia commented 5 years ago

PhoneGap CLI, node & npm versions

Online PhoneGap Build Platform or

Expected Behaviour

I want to build for Android but on the key selection it always says -No key selected- and -Pending- and the icon looks like loading but it never stops loading, it keeps loading forever. I can't select a key and build. I've already deleted all my keys and reuploaded one to see if the bug fixes but it persists. I have to change my app version before november 1st and I can't do that. Please, could you check it out? Does it happens to anyone else?



Error messages


jtibbles commented 4 years ago

I've had this before. There's nothing you can do other than delete that build and create a new one.