Timo Ernst, I'm a Freelance Software Engineer, Youtuber and Blogger with focus on UI design, working with latest frontend technologies. Living the dream of creating mind-blowing mobile apps using the power of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript - http://www.timo-ernst.net
Twitter: @timo_ernst
Talk: "Building PhoneGap apps with Vue.js and Framework7"
Vue.js has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years. Since January this year it is finally possible to create native-looking apps with the power of Vue.js, PhoneGap and Framework7. This talk will give a brief introduction to these new libraries as well as demonstrate how developers can get most out of them, including live demos and code examples.
Talk: "Building PhoneGap apps with Vue.js and Framework7" Vue.js has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years. Since January this year it is finally possible to create native-looking apps with the power of Vue.js, PhoneGap and Framework7. This talk will give a brief introduction to these new libraries as well as demonstrate how developers can get most out of them, including live demos and code examples.